Gold Coast SEO Essentials that Improve Revenue

Gold Coast SEO

Gold Coast SEO Strategies to Improve Revenue

So you have a Gold Coast business and you want to improve your SEO rankings for local searches, and you’re wondering where to start.

I’m going to cover here the basic essentials that need to be covered if you want to start getting all that high quality visitor traffic from Google that is the first step in driving revenue and profits through your Gold Coast business.

Starting to blog is a great idea too.

First of all, do your sell from Gold Coast to Gold Coast or Gold Coast to National?

Gold Coast – Gold Coast

So you only sell to Gold Coast consumers, maybe because you deliver local services, or you run a bricks and mortar business, so you want to do SEO Gold Coast?

If you only sell to customers in your immediate area then your strategy should be something like this;

  • Google places page so people can find you on Google Maps. If Google thinks your business is a local, Gold Coast to Gold Coast business then the map results will also show in the main Google Search.
  • Gold Coast SEO. Look for and optimise for local keywords. For example, an SEO business would use “Gold Coast SEO”, and “SEO Gold Coast”, not “SEO”. The traffic will be much less than if you went for “SEO” by itself, but it will also be much, much easier to rank“Gold Coast SEO”, or “SEO Gold Coast”, meaning you’ll get there faster, it will be higher quality as all the traffic is local to you, and it will still help you rank for “SEO”  when your authority improves in the future.
  • Build local Gold Coast citations. These can be in Gold Coast business or trade directories, and you are probably listed in many already, but make sure your details for Name, Address and Phone number match your website exactly. You may have to claim listings if they exist already.
  • Optimise your website for your key word phrase. Click here to learn how to improve your website.

Gold Coast – National

If you are able to sell your products or services nationally, then you are much less limited, but the flip side is that the competition will be much stronger, and you still want fast results from your SEO Gold Coast Campaigns don’t you?

This strategy would work for you.

  • SEO Gold Coast – National. First limit yourself by choosing long tail keywords not the short and hard ones. So, sticking with SEO, we will ignore “SEO” for now, and “SEO Australia” is still to hard, but we may be able to rank with “SEO for Accountants”, or “Internet marketing Australia”. We need to look for the easy, low hanging fruit first.
  • Google Places Page. Always get a Google Places page, because it’s free, and could get you traffic, but you’ll probably not appear in the main Google search results under the map.
  • Optimise your website content for your chosen keyword.
  • Build your citations in more national related places than just Gold Coast directories.

You can check your website quality using the Hubspot Grading Tool. If you’re score is over 90 then you’re doing well.

Check out our ebook ” the 30 Greatest lead Generation tips, tricks and ideas” for more in depth information.




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